Located on one of Calgary’s steeper streets, the lot for this home offered stunning views of the downtown core. Because of the slopes the lot is bordered by large retaining walls from the lane at the rear and the properties above. This meant that the position of the new home had to be carefully considered so as not to affect the surrounding structure of retaining walls. The sloping also meant that the house would be essentially configured as a reverse walkout with the main entry being at the basement level at the front of the house.
The clients wanted the lower floor to be dedicated to service spaces like the garage as well as a guest bedroom suite. It was also importance that there be a strong sense of entry and connection of the entry to the main level above.
The main design features of the home are an “L” shaped plan with the open portion of the L facing towards the city views. An opening through the main floor to the basement runs from front to back of the house and connects the main floor to the basement level entrance. The exterior of the house is a composition of intersecting forms and materials (stucco, Prodema wood panels and metal cladding) that speak about the various functions of the home. Some of the other features of the home are a bridge over the main entrance of the home that both connects the public and private parts of the home while allowing views down to the entry, a flow through closet that allows both children’s bedrooms to be opened to each other creating one large room, and a library overlooking a two story volume that has a private entrance from the master bedroom suite.